The Hubley Hooligans in Action

Stupid moves, dumb stuff, my daily life living with Siberian Huskies.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Another night without sleep, Hooligan Style

On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 08:16:47 -0500, Marilyn Hubley
>Okay so I don't sleep well to begin with, Head Injury related but I was
>pooped last night and went to bed early. The Hooligans had other ideas.
>Around 2am I hear crying in the sunroom, okay get up go out open sunroom.
>Let Weaver out of his cage and outside as he's going crazy. Kept Max in
>let Cojo & Tundra out. Back to bed. 1/2 hour later there's barking under
>my window :( WEAVER!!!!!! Screamed a few times and he stopped then he'd
>start again :( Fine after 15 minutes give up go get him. Open sunroom and
>I'm hit hard in the face from the stinkingest POO POO that Max had left by
>the door :( ewwwwww Bring Weaver & Cojo in, too dark to find said poop so
>leave it, let Max out, take off slippers in kitchen in case I stepped in
>it, . Back to bed. 5 minutes later hear smash in sunroom, WEAVER'S up
>something, too tired to check back to sleep. Maybe an hour later Hound
>starts pacing in the bedroom UGH yell at him to lay down that's just
>prolonging my agony, get up let him out play changing of the guards.
>Noticed Weaver has been up on the chair and knocked the floor lamp over and
>smashed the glass light cover. Back to bed. 15 minutes later Tasha starts
>to gag on floor beside me, you know those gas filled belly ones,
>thought of getting up and running her to the outside, naaaa the poop was
>still in the sunroom stinking, she gagged whatever up on the new rug beside
>my bed. Sounded like she was turning inside out but was only a little hair
>bundle with some bone pieces from their Marrow bones that day. Smells
>hideous, I'm not getting up again, hide under covers. 10 minutes later I
>hear barking and howling, damn I forgot and left the Hound outside :( (by
>the way I've kinda lost track of the series of events) he'll wake the
>neighbours, get up get Hound in let Pride out from cage. Back to bed.
>Finally at 1/4 to 7 I gave up on sleep and listened to the radio for a bit
>then got up. Decided to clean up this mess, walked into sunroom cleaned up
>POOP realize its still stinking bad, look around yep Pride had at some
>pooped himself in his cage, proceeded to rip up his dog bed in said cage
>had poop smeared all over inside of said cage. That one I'm blaming on the
>neighbours cause when I gave them their Marrow bones yesterday, I gave them
>the ones my neighbours gave me and they were mostly fat & gristle (HI PAUL
>CHRIS) :( Have I mentioned today I have a days sledding planned with a
>friend an hour north of me???? Please send your prayers for my safe and in
>one piece return :(
>Marilyn & The Hubley (*@(%&@(*&)&) Hooligans


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