Adventure in Yardwork
On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 15:48:40 -0400, Marilyn Hubley
>So today being a nice day I went to the Gym, did some errands and came
>Thought to myself perfect day for yardwork. First off Tasha came out front
>with me and I thought hey great day for brushing her she can lay in the
>shade and I'll brush. Well Tasha being full of bone spurs and arthritis
>wasn't all that thrilled but we did our best and now my front lawn looks
>like a Husky imploded on it :) Lawn guys should be happy.
>Then I decided to empty out all the ex's beer that he'd bottled and had
>frozen for two winters in my garage. Now my front lawn smells like a
>brewery but the flies are happy.
>Then its off to the back yard to board up the bottom of my porch. Now the
>huskies are curious so I nail together a couple of boards and put them up
>stop entrance from one area. Pretty sweaty so take a break in the garage
>and do some more cleaning. Come back to yard Weaver and Pride are up to
>something, hey what do they have yep my whole box of nails has now been
>chewed up and nails all over the grass. So go to garage get magnet clean
>up nails best I can and hope I got them all. Now I'm ready to tack up the
>boards on the other side. But wait, I'm missing a sibe and don't want to
>board her under. Call and call and call and call finally get down look
>under porch yep I've boarded Tundra under the porch already and she's
>not happy but not letting me know she's under there. Rip off said boards,
>husky gets out, very hot and very thirsty, nail back up boards finish job
>sweating like a pig need a nap.
>I love my dogs :)
>Marilyn & The Hubley Hooligans
>So today being a nice day I went to the Gym, did some errands and came
>Thought to myself perfect day for yardwork. First off Tasha came out front
>with me and I thought hey great day for brushing her she can lay in the
>shade and I'll brush. Well Tasha being full of bone spurs and arthritis
>wasn't all that thrilled but we did our best and now my front lawn looks
>like a Husky imploded on it :) Lawn guys should be happy.
>Then I decided to empty out all the ex's beer that he'd bottled and had
>frozen for two winters in my garage. Now my front lawn smells like a
>brewery but the flies are happy.
>Then its off to the back yard to board up the bottom of my porch. Now the
>huskies are curious so I nail together a couple of boards and put them up
>stop entrance from one area. Pretty sweaty so take a break in the garage
>and do some more cleaning. Come back to yard Weaver and Pride are up to
>something, hey what do they have yep my whole box of nails has now been
>chewed up and nails all over the grass. So go to garage get magnet clean
>up nails best I can and hope I got them all. Now I'm ready to tack up the
>boards on the other side. But wait, I'm missing a sibe and don't want to
>board her under. Call and call and call and call finally get down look
>under porch yep I've boarded Tundra under the porch already and she's
>not happy but not letting me know she's under there. Rip off said boards,
>husky gets out, very hot and very thirsty, nail back up boards finish job
>sweating like a pig need a nap.
>I love my dogs :)
>Marilyn & The Hubley Hooligans
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