The Hubley Hooligans in Action

Stupid moves, dumb stuff, my daily life living with Siberian Huskies.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

On Sun, 25 Mar 2001 Jaykes Stuck

On Sun, 25 Mar 2001 21:27:31 -0500, Marilyn Hubley

>So I had Jayke out for her before bed pee and I came back to the computer.
>Awhile later didn't hear anything but thought I'd check, can't see her,
>that is because she's against the house WEDGED head first under the
>sunroom!!!!!!!! WHY???? Who knows, all I was concerned with is HOW THE
>@)#%)@#&% AM I GOING TO GET HER OUT???????
>Got down, put arms around hind end and pulled that butt as hard as I could
>without hurting her and she helped. She's back inside now, we are going to
>call it a day LOL WHAT NEXT!!!!!!!
>Jayke (don't ask)
>Marilyn & The Hubley Hooligans


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