The Hubley Hooligans in Action

Stupid moves, dumb stuff, my daily life living with Siberian Huskies.

Monday, September 18, 2006

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 Yardwork with Hoolies

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 15:48:40 -0400, Marilyn Hubley

So today being a nice day I went to the Gym, did some errands and came
Thought to myself perfect day for yardwork. First off Tasha came out front
with me and I thought hey great day for brushing her she can lay in the
shade and I'll brush. Well Tasha being full of bone spurs and arthritis
wasn't all that thrilled but we did our best and now my front lawn looks
like a Husky imploded on it :) Lawn guys should be happy.

Then I decided to empty out all the ex's beer that he'd bottled and had
been frozen for two winters in my garage. Now my front lawn smells like a
brewery but the flies are happy.

Then its off to the back yard to board up the bottom of my porch. Now the
huskies are curious so I nail together a couple of boards and put them up
to stop entrance from one area. Pretty sweaty so take a break in the garage
and do some more cleaning. Come back to yard Weaver and Pride are up to
something, hey what do they have yep my whole box of nails has now been
chewed up and nails all over the grass. So go to garage get magnet clean
up nails best I can and hope I got them all. Now I'm ready to tack up the
boards on the other side. But wait, I'm missing a sibe and don't want to
board her under. Call and call and call and call finally get down look
under porch yep I've boarded Tundra under the porch already and she's
stuck, not happy but not letting me know she's under there. Rip off said boards,
husky gets out, very hot and very thirsty, nail back up boards finish job
sweating like a pig need a nap.

I love my dogs :)

Marilyn & The Hubley Hooligans

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 20:00:08 -0400, Marilyn Hubley

Apparently the fur kids weren't finished with me :( Pride decided to
counter surf while I was eating my dinner and ate my Tupperware container
said dinner had been in :( I have to go to bed.

Marilyn & The Hubley Hooligans


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