The Hubley Hooligans in Action

Stupid moves, dumb stuff, my daily life living with Siberian Huskies.

Monday, September 18, 2006

On Sat, 18 May 2002 Hooligan Escape

On Sat, 18 May 2002 14:06:19 -0400, Marilyn Hubley

THEY ARE HOME!!!!!!!! I have my babies both are fine. My neighbour on a
farm behind me had them the WHOLE TIME he even had them when I asked him the same day they got loose. He was teaching me a lesson. OH SHIT like I
needed that. But I have to understand they are farmers and get a lot of
dogs chasing and killing their sheep. I explained to him that I rescue and
I try everything to keep them in their yard and he apologized. They have
never been out before and none of my dogs have ever gone to his farm
before. Doesn't matter, they are home and I'm soooooooooooo relieved. Dear god everyone else waiting for news of their babies I hope you hear soon, this
is a cruel and unusual punishment not to know where they are or if they are

Marilyn & ALL The Hubley Hooligans

Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 12:28 PM

OKAY!!!!!! Farmer behind me just called and told me to come up to his place
at 1:30pm for a surprise!!!!! Now I figure its my dogs but he wouldn't
say, god help me he has SHEEP!!!!!!!! :( I don't care if they killed the whole
fleet I'll pay for them as long as my babies are fine!!!!!! WISH ME

Marilyn & The Hubley Hooligans

Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 10:04 AM

Saturday morning update on missing Sibes. No word, no calls, no nothing
:( My vet tech friend is going to call all the surrounding area vets and
alert them as Pride stands out with the deformed paw.

I'm going to hike way back into the bush and see if I see any sign of them.
I hope the wild critters haven't got them :(

Marilyn & What's left of the Hubley Hooligans

Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 5:53 PM

Well still no word on my kids or sightings. I'm going for a nap been
everywhere, done everything feel sick :( Worried sick about them getting
shot, or into the high water creeks and Pride's bad paw :(

Marilyn & The Hubley Hooligans

Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 10:54 AM

Well its been 23 hours of hell but still no word on the escapees. I have
phoned all the local vets and left my number and I just printed up a flyer
with their faces on it and I'm going to go get it photocopied and start
putting it up around town :(

Marilyn & The Hubley Hooligans

Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 8:18 PM

Well its been over 8 hours since they escaped :( I just made my last drive
around the country looking for them as its getting dark and its pouring
rain. I'm hoping someone took them in and will phone the animal control.
They may be closed now and can't let me know if they've been located :(
Tomorrow I will start to put up pictures of them. Sleep tight my precious
babies where ever you are, I hope you are safe.

Marilyn & 4 of the Hubley Hooligans (missing the other 2 a lot)

Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 3:49 PM

Well its been at least 4 hours now :( I just got back from doing the
again and climbing my neighbours property to the highest hill and checking
all the farm land and NOTHING :( I'm exhausted and emotionally devastated

Marilyn & The Hubley Hooligans

Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 2:37 PM
I just did another tour around even bigger and still no sign of them :(

Marilyn & The Hubley Hooligans

Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 1:48 PM

Well this time Pride and Tundra escaped while I was gone :( Weaver stayed
he has a healthy respect for the electric fence Pride doesn't. Neighbours
phoned to say they were on their lawn at 12, I wasn't home and other
neighbours left a message they SHOOED them home. Ya that should work with
a Siberian, unfortunately not dog people. So Pride & Tundra have been gone
for a couple of hours, I just spent a 1/2 hour driving around and calling
and hiking into the fields and calling and not a sign :( Dear god let them
be okay :(

Marilyn & The Hubley Hooligans (2missing)


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